Laser Hair Removal in Houston & Sugar Land, TX
What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a simple and relatively painless procedure that quickly eliminates hair using gentle pulses of high-energy light. Dr. David Altamira can help reduce excess hair anywhere on the body and face with laser hair removal treatments at our Houston, Texas office.
Common areas treated
- Legs
- Bikini area
- Arms
- Back
- Underarms
Benefits of laser hair removal
- Remove unwanted hair
- Laser can target dark coarse hairs
- No damage to skin
- Save time and money in the long run on waxing and shaving
How does laser hair removal work?
The area to be treated is first prepped with a conducting gel and then exposed to the laser. When the hair follicle absorbs the light, it is heated and destroyed, preventing it from regrowing. Compared to other hair removal solutions like waxing and electrolysis, laser hair removal is a far less painful procedure that provides excellent results. To effectively reduce hair, a few laser hair removal sessions at our Houston practice may be required. Contact our plastic surgery practice in Texas today for more information about laser hair removal.
Is laser hair removal permanent?
Laser will not guarantee permanent hair removal, but in most cases the hair will not grow back or will be reduced by up to 85%.
What are the possible side effects of laser hair removal?
For a day or two afterward, the treated area of your skin will look and feel like it’s sunburned. Cool compresses and moisturizers may help. Over the next month, your treated hair will fall out. Wear sunscreen for the following month to help prevent temporary changes in the color of the treated skin. Other potential side effects are:
- Swelling
- Redness
- Scarring
- Changes in skin color
Schedule a consultation
If you are interested in Laser Hair Removal, and would like to see if you are a good candidate, call (713) 271-9000 to schedule a consultation. Dr. Altamira has plastic surgery an office in Houston and an office in Sugar Land, Texas.