Why Colder Months Are a Great Time for a Brazilian Butt Lift

Summer isn’t the best time for some cosmetic surgery procedures – some of them require some recovery time, and who wants to be inside recovering when there are so many fun summer activities to be a part of? But when the weather starts to get a bit cooler and the fall and winter roll in, it is the perfect time for that procedure you’ve been considering. Here are some very good reasons why you should consider a Brazilian butt lift now!

What is a Brazilian butt lift?

A Brazilian butt lift makes the buttocks look fuller, more shapely, and more toned. This new look is achieved with implants, a fat transfer from the patient’s own body, or a combination of the two.

Why are the colder months the perfect time for a butt lift?

For one thing, snuggling down into some blankets and relaxing sounds much better than going outside in the cold, even if you are recovering from surgery! But there are other reasons why now is the time to schedule that appointment:

1. If you are looking to wow everyone next summer when you wear your bikini, you need to plan ahead. You will have to plan for the procedure but then also for the time needed to recover and for the tissue to completely heal. You may see some difference right away, but you might still be swollen for a few months.

2. You may be required to wear a compression garment after the procedure, which will be easy to hide underneath bulky winter clothes.

3. Does your workplace shut down over the holidays, or were you going to use up the last of your vacation days for the year anyway around the holidays? These are other reasons why the colder months are the perfect time for that procedure!

The colder months are a great time for any plastic surgery procedure you’ve been considering – think of the amazing body you can show off once it gets warm again. Contact the office of Dr. David Altamira, in Sugarland or Houston, for a plastic surgery consultation. Call (713) 271-9000 for an appointment today!

Posted in: Buttock Augmentation