You’re not alone if you want to improve volume in certain parts of your face but fear the “overfilled” look. Patients like you are the reason Resilient Hyaluronic Acid (RHA®) was created! RHA fillers deliver natural-looking results that move dynamically with your face. Leading board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Altamira chose these fillers for our practice because he believes every… Read More »
The cheeks are not often described as one of the first facial features one would notice. The eye tends to land first on the eyes or the mouth. Still, an attractive, youthful face is made of harmonious contours between all of its individual parts. When one part changes, the others may look different. As we… Read More »
Not long ago, a person interested in refreshing their appearance had limited options. Facial creams offer some benefit but cannot correct photoaging and tissue laxity by themselves. On the other end of the spectrum was facelift surgery, a technique that, until relatively recently, needed some refining. In the past decade, multiple options for facial rejuvenation… Read More »
Most adults in our country have heard of dermal fillers, the products that doctors and nurses inject beneath the skin to smooth wrinkles and creases. The purpose of dermal fillers is to provide a nonsurgical solution to the signs of aging that develop over time. The laugh lines around the mouth. The bags that form… Read More »
Dermal fillers have become such a popular method of refreshing the face that we can see the results of treatment in the most familiar faces. Just a brief scroll through social media is all it takes to get a decent impression of what dermal fillers can do. Or is it? From experience, we have learned… Read More »
Every year, millions of people turn to dermal fillers to reduce certain signs of aging. Every year, even more potential patients consider what dermal filler treatment could do for them. If you can see the marked difference in your appearance now versus ten years ago, you may think that lines and wrinkles are the problem.… Read More »
One of the most significant advantages to living at this time in history is that it is easier than ever to accomplish just about anything with ease and quickness. We can prepare an entire meal far more quickly than our ancestors could, thanks to convection ovens and other technologies. We are also much more adept… Read More »
Some of our patients come in thinking that fillers and Botox are basically the same, but this is not the case. They each work differently, have a specific purpose and are designed to provide outcomes in unique ways. Fillers can lift, restore lost volume and erase wrinkles and scars We will take a unique approach… Read More »
Fillers (and certain other appearance enhancing treatments, such as Botox) are considered non-surgical, as they are administered via injection with needles or cannulas. For our patients who’ve been erasing many signs of aging with injectables for years, the process is no big deal, and the results are worth any pain. Plus, the products and the… Read More »
Looking for a long-lasting dermal filler that is both FDA approved and able to smooth out those pesky wrinkles and everything further? Look no further, the solution is Juvederm. What is Juvederm, you might ask? Well, it’s an FDA-approved dermal filler that can last up to one year. Not only can it be used to… Read More »