Thigh Lift 101
- Posted on: Aug 30 2021
Much attention is given to a few select plastic surgery procedures. Adults interested in body contouring typically have no trouble finding information about abdominoplasty, liposuction, and breast procedures. Today, we want to discuss a lesser-known but still valuable treatment to improve body shape, the thigh lift. This procedure gives shape to the lower body by removing excess fat and skin. Here, we discuss some of the particulars about thigh lift surgery.
How is the thigh lift procedure performed?
The thigh lift process begins with a consultation. During this visit, Dr. Altamira listens to the patient’s concerns and treatment goals. A brief examination of the legs and other areas of concern is conducted as well. This informs the doctor’s treatment planning process regarding how much tightening and shaping is needed. Thigh lift surgery is an outpatient procedure. The patient receives general anesthesia and is monitored for the entire procedure. The surgery may begin with liposuction to extract excess fatty tissue that is affecting thigh circumference. After making incisions, the doctor pulls tissue tight around the underlying tissue and removes the excess. Sutures are inserted to hold the new shape and close incisions.
What can I expect after the procedure?
Patients can expect some level of bruising, swelling, and discomfort after their thigh lift. Comfort may improve significantly during the first week after surgery. By about 7 to 8 days out, patients are able to walk short distances more comfortably. While it is important to take it easy and not overdo it on the physical activity after a thigh lift, walking does improve circulation and thus is a healthy part of recovery. Healing is also facilitated by wearing compression garments, taking medications as directed, and following post-op instructions. Patients may take 3 to 4 weeks off work, depending on the physicality of their job. By this time, swelling and bruising will have subsided a great deal. Full activity may resume beginning 6 to 8 weeks after the procedure. Patients should not resume activities until they have received clearance from their surgeon.
Who is a candidate for thigh lift procedures?
A thigh lift can help nearly any adult who is self-conscious about loose, sagging tissue on the thighs. Patients should be in good general health and should not smoke. During our consultation, we also set realistic expectations regarding the anticipated cosmetic outcome.
Learn more about the thigh lift procedure!
We’d love to see you in our Sugar Land or Houston office. Contact us today at 713.271.9000 to schedule your thigh lift consultation.
Posted in: Thigh Lift