Facelift Surgery: Moving in the Right Direction
- Posted on: Jun 15 2017
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When the signs of aging start to intrude on your sense of self and your level of confidence, it makes sense to consider what you can gain through facelift surgery. This particular procedure has not waned in its popularity, even in the age of high-tech skin-tightening treatments. Why? Because a facelift gets the job done, and it gets it done beautifully. In our Houston and Sugar Land offices, patients experience the value of facelift surgery in the hands of an experienced surgical team. More than that, they benefit from openness about the causes of aging and how to mitigate them.
Preserving Results from your Facelift
It isn’t difficult to restructure your anti-aging routine after a facelift – or even before this procedure. All it takes is a little savvy.
Sun Savvy
Most people know that a sunburn can do a lot of damage to their skin, substantially increasing the risk of skin cancer and other conditions. What may come as a surprise, even in this day and age of information, is that the skin tolerates relatively little UV exposure. Time in the sun without appropriate protection causes, at the very least, collagen breakdown; and that speeds up the aging process on the skin. SPF 30 sunscreen is sufficient, but it needs to be broad spectrum, and it needs to be applied before going into the sun.
Stress Savvy
It isn’t often that we think of stress as a beauty-killer. Perhaps if we changed our view of stress to include this reference, we would do more to manage it. Research has demonstrated a clear connection between stress and premature aging. It starts right in the strands of DNA and expands out to the cells, which do not live as well or as long when DNA telomeres are adversely affected by stress.
Skin Savvy
There is no better time to have a facelift than at this point in history. There are two reasons for this. First, it is a great time because techniques have been refined over the past few decades, improving the natural appearance attained with this surgery. Second, non-surgical treatments such as injectables, chemical peels, and the FotoFacial™ make maintenance a simple prospect.
Learn more about facial rejuvenation when you call us in Sugar Land or Houston.
Posted in: Facelift