Considering a Facelift? You Need to Know a Few Things.

 Facelift, Houston, TXOne of the primary ways to gain peace of mind before undergoing a facelift is to have an idea of what you can expect after surgery. Many people are interested in what a facelift can do for their long-term aging process. Questions about recovery shouldn’t keep any person from obtaining the improvements they desire. Here, we discuss what to expect after a facelift and how to boost your body’s healing power.

What to Expect from a Facelift

  • Swelling is one of the most common effects of tissue manipulation during surgery. Patients should expect to go home with some type of compression dressing to manage swelling and comfort. Additionally, we suggest sleeping on a few pillows to elevate the head more than normal when sleeping. This supports fluid drainage from the face.
  • Along with swelling, patients may also experience bruising. The extent and severity of this side effect can vary widely from person to person. Some people may barely bruise at all.
  • During a facelift, tissue elevation focuses on the cheek area. As a result of the new positioning of muscle and fat as well as superficial vessels and nerves, numbness may occur. As tissues integrate into their new position, sensation should return to normal.

How to Support Your Recovery from a Facelift

  • Take it easy. We can’t stress enough the value of rest and relaxation after a facelift. Many patients are surprised at how well they feel within their first postoperative week. Regardless, it is critical to keep physical activity to a minimum. Walking around the block is acceptable (at a slow pace); going to the gym is not. Most patients return to work two weeks after surgery.
  • Keep grooming basic. Usually, patients can shower and wash their hair 24 to 48 hours after a facelift. However, doctors often encourage letting hair air-dry. This is because the heat of a blow dryer can cause blood vessels to dilate, leading to increased swelling. Makeup is another grooming habit that needs to be postponed until at least 2 weeks post-op.
  • Practice safe sun habits. We get a fair amount of sunshine in our neck of the woods, so patients should prepare to limit their sun exposure as much as possible during their recovery process. The reason this is recommended is that UV rays can diminish the body’s natural healing capabilities. Sun exposure also increases the risk of visible scarring.

Learn more about facelift techniques and how our team can help you feel your best. Call 713.271.9000 to schedule a consultation in our Sugar Land or Houston office.

Posted in: Facelift

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